Dec 30, 2009

Homeless Man Builds 5-Million-Dollar Website

Imagine yourself on the street, with no money in your pocket…

Depressed and discouraged?
Not Terry Hladyak, a Ukrainian immigrant who’ve found himself homeless in a few weeks after coming to Canada.

Terry used free Web access in local libraries to pull himself out of the street and make a good buck.

So, here is the recipe from a homeless immigrant:
1. make a website and divide it to 5,000,000 computer pixels
2. start selling advertising space for $1 and $2 per pixel
3. promise to GIVE $2.5 MILLION (!) to charities if you make $5 MILLION (!) in 5 years
4. make first money, buy a laptop, rent a place to live, and keep going :- )

More: Oddissimo, Toronto Sun, MakeMeShare